Directions to Eyler's Valley Chapel | |
Eyler's Valley Chapel is located at the intersection of Eylers Valley-Flint Rd, Eylers Valley Rd and Hampton Valley Rd. in Fredrick County, MD. Approximately 6 miles north of Thurmont and 4 miles west of Emmitsburg. If you are using a browser to search for directions or a GPS for navigation enter the address as 7504 Hampton Valley Road, Emmittsburg, MD. From Frederick MD and points South: Take route 15 north approx 16 miles to MD RT 550 W. Left off exit and go approx. 3 miles and turn right onto Eyler's Valley Flint Road. Go approx 2 miles to first stop sign. Turn left onto Eyler's Valley Road, chapel is 1/4 mile on left, parking on right. From Gettysburg PA and points North: Take route 15 south approx 10 miles to MD RT 140 W. Left off of exit. Go straight at stop light approx 3 blocks and go left at fork in the road at Emmit House (statue of WWI soldier in center of fork). Take first left on to Annandale road. Go approx 1.5 miles and turn right onto Hampton Valley Road. Chapel is approx 4 miles on right with parking on the left. From Hagerstown MD and points West: Take route 64 east to Smithsburg MD. Turn right onto route 77 to Thurmont MD. At stop light in Thurmont turn left onto route 550/Church Street. Go approx 4 miles and turn right onto Eyler’s Valley Flint Road. Go 2 miles and at first stop sign turn left onto Eyler’s Valley road. The Chapel is 1/8th of a mile on the left with parking on the right. From Chambersburg PA area: Take PA Rt. 16 east through Waynesboro. At the top of the mountain, turn right just before the Exxon onto Ft. Ritchie Access Rd. Cross the railroad tracks and at the blinking light at the entrance to the former Ft. Ritchie, turn left onto MD RT. 550 South. Travel through the village of Sabillasville, to a stop sign at the bottom of a hill. Continue straight past the stop sign, and about 1 mile further, turn left onto Eyler's Valley Flint Road. Go 2 miles and at first stop sign turn left onto Eyler's Valley road. The Chapel is 1/8th of a mile on the left with parking on the right. From Westminister MD and points East. Take MD RT 140 W to Emmitsburg MD. At stop light go straight approx 3 blocks and go left at fork in the road at Emmit House (statue of WWI soldier in center of fork). Take first left on to Annandale road. Go approx 1.5 miles and turn right onto Hampton Valley Road. Chapel is approx 4 miles on right with parking on the left. |
South of Gettsburg PA, north of Frederick MD, west of Westminster MD, east of Waynesboro PA. | ||
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Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet." |
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